How to Get Rid of Red Facial Veins with Vasculase Treatment

4 min readFeb 2, 2024


Do you have red facial veins that make you feel self-conscious or embarrassed? Do you wish you could have a clear and smooth complexion without any visible veins? If so, you are not alone. Many people suffer from red facial veins. You may try to cover them up with makeup or avoid certain situations where they may be more noticeable. However, these are not permanent solutions, and they may not be very effective. Fortunately, there is a way to get rid of red facial veins for good with Vasculase, an effective Red facial vein removal treatment in Gloucestershire.

The Factors that Cause Red Facial Veins

These red facial veins are also known as thread veins, spider veins, broken veins, or capillaries. These are tiny veins that appear near the surface of the skin, usually on the nose, cheeks, chin, or forehead. They can be caused by various factors, such as genetics, aging, sun exposure, hormonal changes, rosacea, or trauma. While red facial veins are not harmful or painful, they can affect your appearance and confidence.

Vasculase™: A Revolutionary Effective Solution for Red Facial Veins

Vasculase™ is a non-invasive, FDA-approved procedure that uses a highly focused laser beam to target and eliminate unwanted red facial veins. The laser beam is selectively absorbed by the red blood cells within the veins, causing them to heat up and collapse. The collapsed veins are then reabsorbed and metabolized by the body, leaving behind clear and smooth skin.

Vasculase™ is a safe and effective treatment that can remove up to 80% of red facial veins in just one session. It can treat various areas of the face, such as the nose, cheeks, chin, or forehead. It can also treat other body areas, such as the ankles, thighs, or calves, where red veins may also appear.

What Are The Benefits Of Vasculase™?

Vasculase™ can offer you many benefits when you take Red facial vein removal treatment in Gloucestershire, such as:

Appearance and Confidence: It can improve your appearance and confidence. It removes the red facial veins that bother you and gives you a more even and radiant complexion.

Time and Money: The treatment can save you time and money. It eliminates the need for makeup or other products to conceal your red facial veins.

Fast and Lasting Results: The procedure can provide you with fast and lasting results. You can see a significant improvement in your skin after just one session, and the results can last for years.

Comfortable and Convenience: The solution can offer you a comfortable and convenient experience. The treatment is painless, quick, and requires no downtime.

How to prepare for Vasculase™?

Before you undergo Vasculase™, you need to consult with a qualified and experienced provider. They can assess your skin condition, discuss your goals and expectations, and design a personalized treatment plan for you. You also need to follow some pre-treatment instructions, such as:

  1. You need to avoid sun exposure, tanning, or self-tanners for at least two weeks before the treatment. They can increase the risk of pigmentation or burns.
  2. You also need to avoid blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or warfarin, for at least a week before the treatment. They can increase the risk of bruising or bleeding.
  3. You should avoid alcohol, caffeine, or spicy foods for at least 24 hours before the treatment. They can dilate the blood vessels and reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.
  4. You must cleanse your face and remove any makeup, lotion, or sunscreen before the treatment. They can interfere with the laser energy.

What to Expect During Vasculase™?

During the Vasculase™ treatment, you will lie down on a comfortable table, and your provider will apply a cooling gel to your skin. The provider will then use a handheld device to deliver the laser beam to the red facial veins, moving it across the treatment area. You may feel a mild warming or tingling sensation, but this is normal and tolerable. The treatment can take from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the size and number of the veins.

What to Do After Vasculase™?

After the Vasculase™ treatment, you need to follow some post-treatment instructions, such as:

  1. You need to apply a cold compress or ice pack to the treated area, to reduce any swelling or redness.
  2. You need to use a gentle moisturizer and sunscreen to the treated area, to keep it hydrated and protected from the sun.
  3. You should avoid sun exposure, tanning, or self-tanners for at least two weeks after the treatment.
  4. Avoid blood-thinning medications, alcohol, caffeine, or spicy foods for at least 24 hours after the treatment.

Where to Find Vasculase™ In Deer Park?

If you are looking for a reputable and reliable provider of Vasculase™ in Deer Park, you should visit Helen Cleland Non-Surgical Aesthetic Procedures, a professional and friendly eyelash extension studio that also offers a range of Skin Care Services in Gloucester. Helen is a trained and certified technician who can provide you with the best quality and personalized care. She will ensure your satisfaction and safety.

She also offers competitive and transparent pricing and free consultations. Contact her today and book your appointment, and let her help you get rid of your red facial veins with Vasculase™.

